
Jade is an online awards management program, customisable to suit each individual client’s look, theming and logo.

Jade is a one-stop place for awards entries to be submitted, payment collected, judging allocated with scores and feedback collected, finalists determined by a mathematical algorithm and the ability for winners to be selected in one easy to use website portal.

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About Jade

Jade offers the ability to easily set up categories, criteria and questions, pricing for each category, open and close entries, manage user details, view entries and email judges.

Jade also allows you to manage the judging component including allocation of entries to judges, check judging status by entry and judge, allocation of a score against each criteria and ability to provide comments for the entrants as feedback.

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Jade Features

Jade offers a range of extra features that make managing your awards program even easier.
These include:

  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Custom branded event website to match the host website for easy recognition by entrants
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Self-sufficiency in user management - unique logins for each user which they are able to set up themselves, raise invoices and make payments
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Ability to create single or multiple entries under each user which they can save, review and edit until the close of entries
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Capacity to upload supporting material such as documents, images, video
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Ease of Use

  • 19 x 19 bullet point Easy administrator management – enabling one manager to oversee the set up and manage the portal in a time efficient manner
  • 19 x 19 bullet point Simplicity and ease of use – minimising support required from the client by the user
  • 19 x 19 bullet point Self-sufficiency for users – ability to create their own account, enter categories, raise invoices and make payments
  • 19 x 19 bullet point Flexibility to accommodate a small or large number of categories with varying pricing structures – each category can be set up with the same or different pricing, accommodating category number from a small amount to a large quantity
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Jade Customisation

Jade can be customised to suit each individual client’s requirements, including:

  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Design of entry portal to match the Award’s branding
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Multiple category entries from one entry form
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Export of text data to excel
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Enable / disable entry fee payment component
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Customisation of each entry form for each category with differing questions and criteria
  • bullet point 19x19 grey black Account activation via text message as well as / instead of email

Get in Touch

Please send us an email to get in touch with us or call us on 02 9281 0024.